Write a Review for Cotswold Reviews

Is there a business you love in the Cotswolds? Do you have a favourite pub, restaurant, coffee shop or attraction?

Why not write a review and submit it to us?

We accept review submissions about businesses large and small across the Cotswold area.

What we ask for

To get a review featured on Cotswold Reviews you’ll need to;

  • Write a review of at least 800 words in Google Docs or a Word document
  • Include specific detailed aspects of the features that you like about the business
  • Include photos of your time spent on your visit to the business (there’s no need to include pictures of yourself, but you can if you like but please ensure any personally identifiable details aren’t displayed)
  • Format the review logically, using headers and relevant sections to allow users to quickly find information on specific details important to them
  • Include a contact email address so we can contact you when your review goes live.
  • Define where you’d like your review to sit on the website. If you’re writing for a hotel, your review will likely sit in accommodation. If you’re writing for a pub your review likely to sit in places to eat. If you’re writing for a business that offers both eating an accommodation, you can always submit a second review to cover that portion of the business specifically.

What you will get

Once your review is received and edited, we will publish your review live on our website.

If you have provided an email address, we will contact you to let you know that your review has gone live.

You’ll get a link to the website of the business you are reviewing.

There is no charge for this service. The link is free and the content is free.

What we will do

We will edit, spell check and publish the review free of charge.

We reserve the right to:

  • remove links to websites unrelated to the business you are reviewing
  • reject reviews that fall below quality thresholds
  • reject overly negative reviews that provide no constructive feedback for a business
  • We retain edit rights for all submitted content.

Contact us to submit your review